Breaking silos to scale circular economies

We are currently raising capital.

It’s a process that is new for me. Each time we pitch I learn something different.

One thing we always get pulled up on is the market. We have put our early focus on agrifood and construction industries yet I tend to bring up bioenergy, forestry and nutraceuticals. Each time it’s like I’ve shot my self in the foot.

My focus from the start was to break industry silos to unlock new values of resources. My industry experience stems deep in the pain of trying to source enough of a sustainable resource to actually be able to use it for our high quantity production. 

An absolute nightmare!

Early this morning I woke up and realised something. 

Have people forgotten where raw materials come from? 

Tier 3 supply chain traceability is an ugly beast that remains the underbelly of most sustainability claims. Not all businesses can check where their resources come from. Some purposely choose not to. 

Hence the demand, confusion, lack of resources and absolute cluster f&@k that is the current circular economy. 

When I talk about bioenergy, nutraceuticals, or packaging is it really a big jump or lack of focus?

These are the industries needing the (non edible) waste materials from Agri-food right now and at scale. These are the businesses directly contacting us because they live with these issues and can see the resources are here but have no way to connect or know how much is available.

I stand by our process, because we simply won’t solve waste issues at scale by only looking in-house.

We start by helping our biggest farmers, growers, pack houses, exporters and construction companies differentiate themselves in the market, decarbonise, meet their netzero goals faster and maybe make profit just by knowing their waste and having control of where it is going.

It’s not rocket science. It’s facts.